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Sunday, May 15, 2016

I remember

I remember the day my dad left. I remember the silent house and the ham and cheese hot pockets I ate for every meal. I remember packing bags to move far away and I remember the way the whole city I moved to smelled like flowers. I remember sneaking out of my window that one night and cutting my knee. I remember the twinkly lights above my head when I realized I was truly happy. I remember playing the organ and pretending we were the organist from church. I remember holding hands and dancing underneath the street lights at 3 A.M. I remember pulling out the grass from the ground and throwing it at each other. I remember going to Arby's everyday and getting curly fries. I remember it all. I remember all the good times. And the bad times. And ten years from now I'll be nostalgic about the new good times and bad times I had. I guess that's the best thing about life. It. Goes. On.


  1. From the opening line.

  2. btw: I received an award to give to you today, but I forgot to give it to you. SUU: "Congratulations on receiving a 4 year Centurium Scholarship for $1,000.00 per year."



    1. Hey thanks. Now I'll have an extra 1,000 to give to the poor or feed the hungry. But I'll probably use it on stupid things like cheetah print snuggies and Justin bieber t-shirts. Anyways I'll come get it on Monday. Save it for me pleaseeee. Thank yewwww
